Should You Join a Mastermind? My HONEST experience with Melyssa Griffin's Aligned Abundance Mastermind
Joining a Mastermind was like... not one of those things I'd planned (at least until 3-5 years into business) but it just sorta happened... and it has COMPLETELY transformed my life in the BEST way possible. Let's just say I'm SO glad I didn't wait until I felt worthy or ready for one.
I told some people I wanted to join this Mastermind and they told me "I was crazy and reckless" and that all I had to do was "stick it out, grind it out, keep working harder, do more" - and eventually, success will come.
Well, I'm not a very patient person by nature, so I figured if this Mastermind could help me fast-track my growth, then what is there to lose? Glad I listened to my intuition and not to other people's scarcity mindset. I went into the Mastermind, wanting to learn about Business Strategies and came out with SO MUCH MORE than that. I've come out with a totally new mindset of abundance & alignment towards business - and THAT (to me) is priceless. 💸
You can read more about what's included in the current Mastermind and apply here →
And let them know I sent ya! Because I'd love to gift you my Nomadic Template for FREE, as a special bonus, because I truly want to see you succeed and thrive xx
This blog post is my personal story of where I was in my business when I decided to join the Mastermind and where I am now, almost 6 months later. I wanted to share some backstories too because I really want to show you what was and IS possible, for me, for you, for anyone.
From an ex-frugal student (with many aspects you might relate to), working a cafe job just one year ago and deeep in debt and overdraft. Now, I have total financial and locational freedom (while hacking away at my student loan) - and Melyssa Griffin's Mastermind really helped give me the boost I needed to finally achieve my NEW definition of success.
The Shift from Scarcity to Abundance
Role Models of what it means to be successful
From Frugal Student to Investing in Myself
Why I REALLY joined Melyssa Griffin’s Aligned Abundance Mastermind
My Mastermind Transformation: Before & After
Who is Melyssa Griffin’s Aligned Abundance Mastermind for?
How does the Mastermind Work?
My favourite part of the Mastermind
How to know if you are ready for a Business Mastermind?
Was my Mastermind experience worth the Investment?
1. The Shift from Scarcity to Abundance
Back when I first started my business, I remember getting up at 7am to start my 'work' for the day and wouldn't stop working, learning and creating content until about 10pm ... or until my brain couldn't handle anymore.
THAT would be successful day for me... or so I thought that's what you had to 'DO' in order to have a thriving business. I mean... only the toughest hustlers survive to become successful, right? So I put myself through 10-15 hour days, 6-7 days a week... for about 5-6 months?? Does that sound familiar to you?
Over the last 6 months (ever since joining the Mastermind), I've learned to chill out a LOT more without freaking out that my business will sink or feeling GUILTY for NOT working.
Now, I get to wake up whenever feels good for my body. I don't feel rushed in the mornings and I take time to meditate, swing by my local cafe to journal, read, or just write down new creative ideas. My work day starts typically starts around 11am and I usually finish around 5pm, hop on to some client calls and then maybe tie up a few things after that — Oh and I DON'T work weekends anymore.
I used to think taking weekends off was like business suicide, but honestly - now I'm working half of what I used to and yet I've like more than 3x the income I was earning before the Mastermind.
For the first time ever, life feels abundant, aligned and dare I say it... easy??
And you know what I realized, that finally snapped me out of this hustle and grind?
I actually don’t have to sacrifice my weekends, rest and social time in order to grow my business beyond my wildest dreams.
2. Role Models of what it means to be successful
The reason why I thought I had to, was simply because I had NEVER met a person who had a thriving business AND weren't hustling their asses off to maintain it. Consequently, I'd never met someone who actually had an ABUNDANT money mindset. I lacked a role model who could show me what was possible.
I grew up in a middle-class family to a hard-working mama, who worked TIRELESSLY for over a decade (night shifts, on call 24/7) to support our education and our swimming competitions. She said "yes" to every extra shift she could take, even if that meant going without sleep for another day.
My mama was (and still is) my inspiration and role model. And yet, what I learnt from her work ethic was that having your own business is HARD man and you gotta SACRIFICE your well-being and quality time with family for it. That's the pay-off of being successful and working for yourself.
So when I first heard about this New Business Paradigm from Melyssa Griffin, which is all about growing a business from a place of alignment and scaling with ease instead of hustle... it sounded too good to be true. All sorts of excuses came up about why it was possible for others, but it wouldn't work for me.
But... WHY NOT? What if... what if I was able to let go of all my limiting beliefs and outdated stories? Could I actually get to a point where I could receive success with ease, joy, and trust? I mean... that was THE ultimate freedom for me.
On that note… let me help you create a website that converts with ease! Get access to my limitless leads masterclass ;)
Just to give you a bit of context: in 2019, I'd just finished up my second Business Degree in New Zealand and that frugal student mentality was still very much hard-wired into me. I was doing some freelance gigs on the side, but earning measly amount - so I had to pick up a cafe job on the side. My max income in any given month was probably... $800 USD?
Then in March 2020, I quit my cafe job in Melbourne, moved to be with my partner in Europe - and I did something I'd NEVER done before... I bought an online course and actually INVESTED in my learning and my growth... (GASP!) By April 2020, while I was deep in lockdown here in Sevilla, I officially launched my website and started working with clients.
On the side, I was becoming a serial online-course taker... I discovered Melyssa Griffin's Confident Creator Course and fell in love with her beautiful energy and deep wisdom. She challenged so many of my pre-existing outdated beliefs and really helped me overcome my low imposter syndrome phase by replacing them with more empowering beliefs and stories.
This was my first taste of how powerful changing your mindset can be. All this time, I was just focusing on the business and marketing strategies, lapping them up like my life depended on it and implementing a hundred different strategies like a desperate crazy person - and all while feeling super EWW and sleazy inside. It just felt so ... misaligned with who I am as a person.
There has GOT to be a better, more authentic and genuine way to do business than this - I thought.
And that's kinda when Melyssa’s Aligned Abundance Mastermind presented itself to me! So I took it as a sign and applied for it, with a deep sense of knowing that this was meant to be the next phase of my growth.
4. Why I REALLY joined Melyssa Griffin’s Aligned Abundance Mastermind
I was just DONE with solo-hustling and grinding away as a lone wolf. I was slowly burning out, not growing as much as I'd like and questioning my sanity to start my own business. I needed to be held, to be guided and supported by a community of entrepreneurs who have been there and GET what it's like. People who dare to dream big and see possibilities instead of one obstacle after another.
I felt this incessant nudge to go ahead and apply for the Mastermind. And as fate would have it, I was invited to an interview with THE Melyssa Griffin herself...
(If you don’t know Melyssa, she’s helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs start and grow their online businesses! You can stalk her here and over on Insta → )
From the get-go, I felt so held and seen by Melyssa. She asked me what my goals were for the end of the year. I stated something WILD and seemingly impossible considering where I was at the time.
I wanted to hit $20k revenue by Dec 31st (we were at end of Aug 2020) and that I'd like to have my first $10k month by the end of the Mastermind (March 2021). — oh at the time, I was going through a dry spell, so these goals were like SUPER WILD for me.
But Melyssa looked me intently in the eyes and said: "I BELIEVE IN YOU. I believe it's possible for you." — …ummm wow, those words just pierced me in the heart. I got massive chills and all the feels. It was the first time those words had ever been said to me so directly (and not in a pity-party sort of way, ya know?).
At that moment, I actually believed her. And I knew I could trust this incredible, radiant human to guide me towards aligned success. The next day, I paid my deposit and joined her Aligned Abundance Mastermind.
And let them know I sent ya! Because I'd love to gift you my Nomadic Template for FREE, as a special bonus, because I truly want to see you succeed and thrive xx
5. My Mastermind Transformation: Before & After
During these past 6 months, here's what I've learned:
what it feels like to TRUST, to be SUPPORTED by a community and to LET myself RECEIVE that support graciously
how to keep GROWING my business, while creating more SPACE and TIME for myself to enjoy my life
how to HIRE the right people, delegate the right tasks and organise efficiently.
to PRICE my services from a place of VALUE and not time, which gave me the courage to DOUBLE my prices and feel confident with the value I was delivering.
what it means to BE a VISIONARY and how to organise my business in a way that helps me THRIVE and not enslave me to it.
that INVESTING in yourself and your business is the secret sauce to growth (and not frugality or DIY-ing everything)
most importantly, I've learned how to release my fear and scarcity mindset - and how to cultivate an ABUNDANT mindset.
I know for a fact, that had I chosen not to join (out of fear and scarcity), I would still be struggling, feeling lonely with my imposter syndrome... and perhaps just given up and gotten a 'safer' side job (which I really did contemplate).
Honestly, I feel like a whole new person has been birthed from this Mastermind thanks to the amazing coaches and fellow Mastermind members - I'm just so immensely grateful for this experience!
Here's a better comparison of where I was before and after the Mastermind:
Team: none. Just me. Doing ALL the things.
Bookings in advance: none.
Passive income stream: none.
Money Mindset: scarcity & fear.
Work hours: 70+ hours a week
Highest Monthly Revenue: $4k
My energy: STRESSED, frazzled, overwhelmed, exhausted, hustle, grind, work harder, do more.
Team: 2. Hiring a part time VA gave me the space I needed to grow!
Bookings in advance: 3-4 months
Passive income stream: my own Squarespace Template!
Money Mindset: abundance & ease
Work hours: 25-35 hours per week
Highest Monthly Revenue: $10k
My energy: expansive, creative, well-rested, supportive, joyful, aligned, ease, intentional, abundant, work smarter
On top of all the amazing shifts I mentioned above, the incredible loving & supportive community of coaches and entrepreneurs is an aspect I still cannot quite put into words ♡
6. Who is Melyssa Griffin’s Aligned Abundance Mastermind for?
If you're an Online Educator, Service Provider or Content Creator looking to:
heal your old beliefs, fears and triggers
find accountability within a supportive, loving community
scale your business from a place of ease and flow
... then I think you will get tons of value from this Mastermind!
We had SUCH a variety of people in our Mastermind group, all in different places of growth. Some had been in their industry for years and making 6 figures, others had been lone-wolf solopreneurs for over half a decade, many were pivoting from their old business or starting new business that felt more aligned.
No matter where we were on the spectrum, we had a shared goal as a collective - and that was to create more abundance in our lives. Whether that meant more time, more spaciousness, more alignment, more joy, more financial abundance, more community, more trust, more healing, more love and acceptance for ourselves.
If you're ready to swap out the traditional definition of "success" of hustle-to-no-end just for more money - and you're feeling called to a more progressive, gentler and more aligned definition of "success"
... then this Mastermind will be your safe cocoon as your transition, pivot and redesign your life to reflect YOUR truest definition of success (not other's).
7. How does the Mastermind Work?
Well, for our Mastermind group it was a series of 6x LIVE coaching calls per month (all in different aspects of business) over a period of 6 months. We had coaches for Operations, Mindset, Sales Funnels and Strategies, and Visionary.
But this is totally subject to change from group to group! For example, I know they're bringing in Breath work and Human Design for Entrepreneurs in this round as well, which is just SO cool!
You can read more about what's included in the current Mastermind and apply here →
And let them know I sent ya! Because I'd love to gift you my Nomadic Template for FREE, as a special bonus, because I truly want to see you succeed and thrive xx
On top of that, we had an awesome Slack channel where we could get all our questions answered in between our monthly coaching calls. This is also where we would connect with other Mastermind Members, share our wins, our struggles and support each other.
We also had two Retreats, which are normally in-person retreats, but due to the pandemic, I attended both retreats Virtually. The retreats always bring up so much for me, we do a lot of deep introspective work, reflection and self-growth. We also do a lot of group activities during the retreats and I loved connecting with my fellow Mastermind members.
8. My favourite part of the Mastermind
Hands down the Mastermind community and getting to connect with such loving, heart-centred entrepreneurs... <3
I'm also a self-improvement nerd who loves bashing down limiting beliefs and overcoming fears, so naturally - the mindset calls and visionary calls were a personal favourite of mine!
Witnessing everyone's growth and transformation! It's been incredible and such an honour to be a part of!
9. How to know if you are ready for a Business Mastermind?
I get that you might be feeling a little hesitant because you’re not sure if it’s the right time or the right fit for you. Or maybe it just seems a little scary because it’s something you’ve never done before (or even really contemplated doing?).
Trust me when I say, I can tooootally relate because I felt the same way! In fact, I felt like a TOTAL imposter when I first applied, thinking that "no way" would I get in. Can I even financially afford this investment? (and in the middle of a freaking PANDEMIC?! Emz are you crazy?)
Or even deeper fears like: What if I don't get out what I was seeking from it? What if I'm THAT person, who just doesn't fit in? What if, at the end of it all, I'm still failing?
These fears were ALL SO VERY REAL for me. But that was a part of a bigger lesson I had yet to learn... TRUST.
Trust in myself, my body and my decisions. Trust in others to hold and guide me. Trust in abundance and in the process. Trust in the unfolding of my growth (personally and professionally).
10. Was my Mastermind experience worth the Investment?
Imagine me looking you straight in the eye, unwavering as I say the word "YES, YES and YES again!" Melyssa’s mastermind program helped me expand into my most aligned, fullest expression as a human being and created epic levels of abundance!
I don't think I could ever crawl back to that dark cave of scarcity and fear now that I've "seen the light" and have felt the freedom of abundance and possibility.
So many courses or masterminds are only about the strategy. But I've realised that true success is so much more than just strategy!
Which is why I LOVED how Melyssa tooks such a holistic approach towards creating aligned and sustainable business success. I feel like I got the best of three worlds:
→ strategic business advice +
→ transformational personal growth work +
→ a community of like-minded entrepreneurs cheering each other on
If this sounds like something you've been longing for, then I'd like to gently and lovingly nudge you to apply, because this Mastermind (and Melyssa herself) truly rocked my world! And forever changed the way I see myself and live my definition of success.
And let them know I sent ya! Because I'd love to gift you my Nomadic Template for FREE as a special bonus, because I truly want to see you succeed and thrive xx
And if you wanna watch my free masterclass on how to get limitless leads, here:
Applications are only open a few weeks each year (the current round closes Feb 19th 2021)! So if you have any questions about this Mastermind, about Melyssa Griffin or about my experience, send me a DM over @arohavisuals and I'd LOVE to share more with you
Have you ever been a part of a Mastermind? If so, how was your experience? And if not, what are your hesitations? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! xx