How I Make Big Life Decisions

How do you make tough or big decisions?

Say you're thinking about leaving your job and going full time with your business? Or maybe you're at full capacity and would love to start hiring experts to help with your business?

Or perhaps you're wondering whether you should invest in that online course. Or maybe you're tossing up between doing your own branding and website design vs working with an expert.

Should you work with this person or that person? Specialise in this niche or that niche?

Whatever the dilemma, I find that our decisions almost always come back to our core values. Therefore, I invite you to explore what YOUR personal core values are.

Because once you've identified your (top) core values, your decision-making becomes a lot easier and a lot clearer. I find that you become more INTENTIONAL about your decision-making too.

So how can you discover your core values? Let's dive in!

Questions to help discover your core values:

  1. What gets you up in the morning? What makes you drag your butt to work? What are you working FOR? And WHY do you work for it?
    (ie. for me, it was always working to save up for travel - and I loved travel because of the freedom I felt - so freedom is one of my core values).

  2. What do you yearn for? What do you long to have or seek out in friends, community, home, life, work, or experiences?
    (ie. for me, it's to feel nourished and inspired - by people, places, and experiences. Also to feel understood deeply at a soul level - so nourishing is currently one of my core values.)

  3. What are your happiest memories? Or experiences that brought you the absolute most joy?!
    (ie. for me, it's the incredible rush of adrenaline when I overcome challenges, push myself outside my comfort zone. I love FEELING ALIVE and not just merely existing - so adventure is one of my core values.)

How my core values help my decision making?

Taking my top 3 core values, I ask myself a few questions around these core values that help me establish the overall value of my decisions.

FREEDOM - will this result in me (or others) having more freedom (of time, energy or money)? Does this decision feel expansive or contractive?

ADVENTURE - does this challenge me in a good way? Will it help me (or others) learn and grow and find courage outside our comfort zone? Will this be fun?

NOURISHING - will my heart feel nourished by this? Will others feel nourished or positively impacted by this project (or decision)?

What are you top 3 Core Values? Go ahead, have a ponder, write down some thoughts and if you feel like sharing, please do! @arohavisuals

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