Convert More With These Two Important Branding Tips

How does YOUR brand feel to you? And how does it feel to your ideal clients? Is it a true reflection & representation of your brand? Or is there room for growth and more intention behind your brand strategy?

I wanted to share two ideas with you that will hopefully increase your sales by diving deeper into your BRAND.

Both these ideas were inspired by Emily Heyward's book Obsessed - highly recommend by the way! Such a great and thought provoking read for anyone!

Tip 1: Solve real consumer problems.

  • What is the deeper underlying problem you're solving? Not just the tangible product or deliverable, but also the intangible feeling or emotion they desire to feel?

  • Keep asking WHY and go deeper. Work to identify the need behind the need.

  • Successful brands make it about the consumer and not themselves. They grow in services of its community. When you ground yourself in your consumers and why you exist for them, branding becomes an act of generosity instead of an act of self-congratulation.

    • It's not about "hey look at me, listen to me, this is why I'm wonderful". Instead it's "here's what I understand about your needs and here's how I'm here to help".

    • Every time you ask for the attention of your consumers, it's to tell them something that serves THEM. Every time you conceive of a new feature, it's to better tap into their existing desires.

    • To successfully launch something new and have people fall in love with it, you need to tap into a need that's deep and true and that has existed for a long time before you came on the scene. Only then can you show WHY you're worthy of obsession.

Tip 2: Connect through emotions.

  • People don't just buy THINGS, they buy how something makes them feel, they buy identities, association, values. They buy transformation.

  • Your brand strategy is rooted in an emotional idea, but it's an idea that's support by your functional benefits.

  • ie. Features and benefits aren't enough on their own. But neither is fulfilling only the emotional aspects without quality features and benefits to back it up and support it.

  • Brands should never be a deception, it should be a delightful expression of a product's truth and ultimately a positive force in people's lives.

    • the brands that people love the most, EFFORTLESSLY combine the FUNCTIONAL with the EMOTIONAL. The product does what it's supposed to do AND the brand makes you feel good about being part of its world.

How are you helping and connecting with your clients? Go ahead, have a ponder, write down some thoughts and if you feel like sharing, please do! @arohavisuals

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