scale your most Profitable offer

Landing Page Funnel Accelerator

Done for you

Leads to Landing Page

Aesthetic Landing page ☑️ SEO OptimisATION ☑️ Google ads campaign ☑️
consistent leads without relying on IG ;)

Done for you High-converting Landing Page & Google Ads that bring consistent evergreen leads without relying on Instagram.

Clients in:

You’ve tried different strategies, done your research, hired a bunch of people… but you’re still not getting ENOUGH eyes on your offer page.

If you resonate with any of these 3 problems below, then you’re in the right place:

  1. You’re still trading time for money because the “passive” income offer (course, template, digital product) isn’t generating enough for you to step back from 1:1

  2. You’re spending 80% of your time creating short-form content (IG, TT) that have a shelf-life of days instead of YEARS, which keeps you stuck at this level.

  3. You’re offering too many things and have many half-finished systems, which spreads your resources thin, unable to scale the ONE WINNING offer.

You’re conscious that time is passing and you’re still in the same cycle. Keep reading and I’ll share with you the 3 part strategy that will help you get more leads while also freeing up more time.

What you need is a different perspective. Stop pushing for leads — and start attracting.

What does it take to ACTUALLY get aligned leads to view your offer page?

Having worked with and been mentored by 7-8 figure entrepreneurs, here’s the no. 1 secret I learned… if you want compounding growth, the invest in compounding content that withstands the test of time.

For example:

  1. Create a beautiful, SEO driven landing page experience - which will give you a higher chance to outrank competitors on Google.

  2. Build an evergreen funnel (system) that runs without you - so you never run out of leads and sales happen on autopilot.

  3. Invest in long-form SEO content like Blogging or Youtube - where content will bring you new leads for YEARS (not just days).

Let me explain WHY this works so well if you’re creating a funnel.

Medium Conversion

Google & Search Optimzed Content (aka. SEO)

Where do people go to find answers to their questions?
Google, Youtube, Forums… and ChatGPT ;)

The algorithms JOB is to connect a query/problem with a content that solves or answers that in the best way possible. The high search intent makes the “viewer” a perfect lead fit for your offer, because they are clearly ACTIVELY looking for a solution (and not scrolling).

This is why Businesses who invest in website SEO or Youtube as their marketing strategy keep telling us it’s their No.1 MOST CONSISTENT form of lead gen. Not just for a few months… we’re talking 7+ years!!

The Power of Compounding Content is what will SCALE your business. It’s time to play the short LONG GAME.

Lowest conversion

Social Media / Meta FB or IG Ads

You might get a lot of impressions, views, followers. They might have some shared interest.
They might share your content because they find it entertaining or educational in some way.
But the chances that they’re looking for a solution to a problem you can solve… is slim.
>> People aren’t on Social Media to find a solution to their problems <<
they’re on it to ESCAPE from their problems.

so unless you’re selling an “escape” — search engines or more solution oriented.

HighEST Conversion

Google Ads to Landing Page

Now imagine, if YOU came up as the FIRST solution on Google?

Imagine if, instead of spending $$ for views, you only pay when you get a lead? (aka. GUARANTEED eyeballs on your offer page)

Imagine investing the upfront work to set up a SUSTAINABLE funnel that runs without you? And waking up to new sales or calls booked?

Intrigued? Here are the 3 essential pillars you need

OUr “Leads To Landing page” Accelerator Method

01. Landing Page Design

Custom-built, aesthetic landing page that feels effortless to read and invokes a feeling that inspires action. Optimised for SEO and mobile.

02. SEO & Google Ads

BOOST your website SEO and run targeted Google Ads campaigns to accelerate hot leads to your landing page.

03. Performance TRACKING

Monitor the performance, optimise the landing pages and manage your Google Ads campaign to ensure it keeps growing your ROA.

How it works

Our 4-step Accelerator Process

    • Before we jump into the landing page, we want to make sure you have THE MOST SOLID offer in your industry. Then we're going to map out your funnel type based on the nature of your offer.

    • Next we're going to design you a high-converting landing page funnel backed with the science of Website Psychology, optimised for SEO and mobile view.

    • How we make that happen is by focusing on:

      • the design & aesthetics - what is the FEELING we want them to feel? And HOW can we achieve that through design?

      • the readability and user experience - how can we design the page in a way that makes it so easy for them to read the most important information so they can make the most informed decision

      • optimising for SEO and search engines - what are people searching for already and how can we tap into that by strategically selecting keywords that will help increase your landing page's Quality Ranking on Google.

    • Once the landing page is live, we will set up your Google Ads account and lead the campaign with specifically selected long-tailed keywords. If this is your first time, don't worry, we'll walk you through the entire process.

    • We will also give guidance on how you can improve your overall domain authority and SEO, which will help increase your Quality Ranking, which will increase your chances of click-through conversions from the Ad Keywords.

    • Note: you will need to have a minimum of 500€ ads budget set aside per month. However, you are only charged for every click through so this budget is likely to vary and either decrease $ over time or increase leads and ROA for the same ads spend.

    • It usually takes 3-4 weeks for Google to "train" it's algorithm and understand the ideal audience to display your page to. Patience is needed here as the first round of analytics provides the most insightful data.

    • From there, we will map out all the tweaks and refinements we will make to the ads campaign and landing page.

    • If we are managing your ads on a monthly basis, we will touch in for a strategy call once a month + send you weekly updates on how the metrics are performing so we can make pro-active improvements along the way.

Client Showcase

Who’s Running this show?

Hi, Emily here

I founded Aroha Visuals 5 years ago built on my passion and artistry for design. However, I quickly learnt that beautiful websites are not enough, if no one can find you. And so I set out to learn all I could about SEO and high-ticket funnels.

Fast-forward to today, we’ve helped websites go from zero to over 120k in website visitors, built high-ticket funnel landing pages for 7 figure businesses, and help launched marketing campaigns that stacked up to over 2million in revenue for one of our NGO clients.

I currently teach and mentor designers looking to add Performance Marketing to their existing skillset — both 1:1 and via our Mastermind Programme. Through our comprehensive training, we’re building an incredible directory of A-Players who are true “unicorns” in their ability to combine the Artistry of Design & the Science of Business.

read carefully before proceeding

the investment for this offer is a 4 figure investment and it’s likely not for you if…

  • you are just starting out and you’re NOT clear what your core offer is yet.

  • you’re not passionate about your offer, we can’t help you sell it either.

  • you’re looking to make some cash FAST, without laying solid foundations.

  • you’re hoping this will be the magic solution to all your business problems

  • you’re not ready to level up your mindset, leadership and energetics.

Our ideal clients are seasoned entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in levelling up their game and understand the importance of first impressions, user experience, & optimising for search engines.

the investment

Choose Your Package

Our Promise: If you don’t get an ROA on Google Ads within 3 months,
we will continue to work for free until we do.


Aesthetic, SEO-driven Landing Page Design

Custom-built, high-converting landing page that feels effortless to read and invokes a feeling that inspires action. Optimised for SEO and mobile.

One-off Investment: 3300 USD


Google Ads set up and Management

Landing Page included + Google Ads set up + Monthly Ads Management, Performance Reports & Optimisation to ensure ROA grows.

Monthly Investment: 2500 USD
*min. contract - 6 months

get more leads to your landing page!

Book a call with our Team

In-depth FAQs

  • I know you're eager to see leads rolling in—it’s completely normal to feel that way. Typically, you can expect to see results within the first few weeks, and it keeps getting better as we fine-tune things. Plus, unlike Meta ads, you only pay for Google Ads when someone clicks on your ad. So, if people aren’t clicking, you’re not losing money. And honestly, it’s rare that no leads come through because Google Ads are designed to bring in aligned, ready-to-buy visitors.

  • Yes, you’ll need to set aside a budget specifically for the ads. I totally get that it feels like an added cost, but the good news is you have complete control. We’ll work with your budget, whether that’s $500 or $5,000 a month. The key is starting with a smart strategy and scaling as the leads come in.

  • We take care of the heavy lifting! From designing a beautiful, conversion-optimized layout to making sure it’s mobile-friendly and SEO-ready, we’ve got you covered. You just provide the copy, and we’ll ensure your landing page is primed to bring in those high-quality leads. Plus, we make it super easy for you to manage and update as needed.

  • It’s totally normal to wonder if you should stick to SEO alone. SEO is amazing for long-term growth, but it can take months to see results. Google Ads, on the other hand, gets you in front of your ideal clients immediately. Imagine having quick wins now while you’re building up your SEO presence over time. Together, they create a balanced strategy for both instant impact and sustainable growth.

  • This is a great question, and it’s one a lot of people are confused about. With Meta Ads (Facebook/Instagram), you pay for impressions—people seeing your ad, whether they click or not. With Google Ads, you only pay when someone clicks and visits your site. Think of it like this:

    • Meta Ads are like handing out flyers, hoping someone bites,

    • whereas Google Ads are more like having a store where only people who walk in (and are interested) cost you money.

    Both can work, but Google Ads tend to be better at getting people who are actively searching for what you offer.

  • Absolutely! If you’re at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey and cashflow is tight (but you have the time and energy to soak up knowledge), then we have a DIY course you can check out here

    It’ll guide you through the entire process, from landing page design to optimizing your site for SEO. You’ll get all the tools you need to get started with:

    • Website Psychology

    • SEO Optimisation

    • Paid Ads & Funnel Set up

    • Email Marketing

    • Lead Magnet Funnel

  • We don’t provide copywriting services ourselves, but don’t worry—you’re not on your own! We have a library of templates and a course that dives into the psychology of high-converting messaging. If you’d rather leave it to the pros, we’re happy to recommend some talented copywriters who specialize in landing pages.

  • You’ll have VIP access to myself and my team, so we’re always here when you need us. Whether it’s a landing page issue, a website tweak, or a funnel question, we’ll respond within 24 hours—no extra charge, no stress. We’re here to make sure everything runs smoothly for you.

Ready to get leads flowing?

Start here

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